Netcad GIS is a CAD & GIS technology designed for engineering and geographic system users, which supports international standards. Netcad GIS provides the power and flexibility that users require. Netcad provides CAD, GIS and Raster integration with its unique architecture.

With the advanced data organization tools and the module capabilities customized for different professional specialization areas, needs-oriented projects can be produced. All different modules developed for professional needs run smoothly on Netcad GIS.

The licenses are available in 3 options :
- Perpetual License (PL)
- Annual Subscription License (ASL)
- Monthly Subscription License (MSL)
The price is included with free of charge training for all license types :
- Perpetual License has free training either online or off line
- Subscription License has free training only for online
Paid training is also available :
- Public
- Corporate